I would like to view/add/edit data in Kintone without logging in

Article Number:040327

To view, add, and edit data on Kintone, users need to log in to Kintone.
If you have members who cannot log in to Kintone, consider using a workaround like the one below.

Workaround example

  1. A member who can log in to Kintone exports Kintone data to a file.
    Exporting Data to a File
    The same member downloads the exported file and shares it with other members.

  2. A member who cannot log in to Kintone opens the shared file to view and edit data.

  3. To reflect the changes made to the shared file as data in Kintone, a member who can log in to Kintone imports the file to Kintone.
    Adding/Updating Records in Bulk

    You can not only use the file exported from Kintone as shown in the above example, but you can also create and use a new import file in Excel/CSV format to add or update data in Kintone.
    Preparing a File for Adding/Updating Records