List of Data Types That Can Be Imported or Exported

Article Number:04056

This article describes the types of data that can be imported from or exported to a file.

Import/export of function data

The table below shows which data sets can be imported and exported.

  • : Can be imported/exported
  • Blank cell: Cannot be imported/exported
Import/export of function data
Data type Import Export
App settings *1 *1
App data *2 *2
Space settings *1 *1
Space data
People data
System settings

*1: Creating a template from an app or space enables you to import or export the app or space settings in a file.
      Downloading apps as templates
      Creating a template from an app and registering the template in Kintone
      Creating a template from a space
      Some settings are not included in templates.
      Settings that are not included in app templates
      Data that is included in or excluded from space templates
*2: For details on app data that can be imported or exported, refer to Import/export of app data.

Import/export of app data

Use a CSV file to import or export data. For details, refer to the following pages.

The table below shows which data sets can be imported and exported.

  • : Can be imported/exported
  • Blank cell: Cannot be imported/exported
Import/export of field values
Field type Import Export
Text *1
Rich text
Text area
Calculated *1
Radio button
Check box
Date and time
User selection
Department selection
Group selection
Related records
Lookup *2
Record number
User who created the record *3
Created datetime for the record *3
User who updated the record *3
Updated datetime for the record *3

*1: The values of Calculated fields and Text fields with Calculate automatically enabled will be re-calculated after the file import.
*2: The values of fields that are specified under Field mappings in the Lookup field settings will be retrieved again.
*3: Data for Created by, Created datetime, Updated by, and Updated datetime fields can be imported from a file only when you are adding new records to an app. Note that to import values of these fields you need to have app management permission in addition to permission to import from files.

Import/export of information other than field values
Type Import Export

*1: The category can be imported or exported only when the Category feature is enabled.
      Categorizing records
*2: The status and assignee can be exported only when the Process Management feature is enabled.
      Setting process management