Applying the Same Permissions to Multiple Apps

Article Number:040594

The App Group feature allows you to apply the same settings to multiple apps.
What are app groups?

By assigning apps to a specific app group, you can apply the same settings to all apps in the app group. This eliminates cumbersome tasks like configuring permissions for each app separately.

Follow these steps to assign apps to an app group.

The Kintone Administrator adds a new app group

In the app groups, there are two types of pre-defined app groups, which are "Public" and "Private."
If you are a Kintone Administrator, you can add new app groups and configure permissions for each app group.

For the detailed steps, refer to the following pages.

You can also configure the default app group. The default app group is an app group where newly created apps automatically belong.
Changing the default app group

Move apps from the current app group to another one

If you have not changed the default app group, where newly created apps automatically belong, newly created apps are categorized into the "Public" app group.

By moving apps from the current app group to the new app group that the system administrator created, you can apply the permissions configured in the app group to the apps you moved.

To move apps from the current app group to another one, use the Permissions for app screen.
For the detailed steps, refer to the following pages.
Changing which app group an app belongs to