Checking Users & system administration for the Number of Guest Account Licenses Needed

Article Number:04033

You can also check the number of guest account licenses needed for your Kintone environment from Users & system administration.

  1. Click the Settings icon (the gear-shaped icon) at the top of Kintone.

  2. Click Users & system administration.
    Screenshot: How to open the administration screen

  3. Display the "Service Usage" screen and click Subscription Details.
    Subscription details are displayed.
    Screenshot: "Subscription Details" is outlined

  4. Check Guest Users in the Options section.
    The number shown under Purchased Guest Account Licenses needs to be equal to or larger than the number shown under Guest Users in Use.
    Screenshot: The "Options" section

If the number of licenses is less than the number needed

If the number shown under Purchased Guest Account Licenses is less than the number shown under Guest Users in Use, a warning message appears in the Options section.
Screenshot: Example warning message

The warning message is displayed from the time when the number of licenses falls below the number needed, and cannot be hidden until certain necessary actions are completed.
For details on the necessary actions, refer to the following page.
When the number of guest account licenses is less than the number needed