Logging In/Logging Out

Article Number:040355

This article covers how to log in to or log out from Kintone.

To log in, access the login screen by entering the URL in your Web browser.
To log out, perform the logout operation on Kintone.
See below for the detailed steps.

Logging in to Kintone

  1. Enter your login URL (https://subdomain-name.kintone.com/) in the address bar of your Web browser and access the login screen.
    If you do not know the login URL, contact your administrator.

  2. On the login screen, enter your login name and password. Then, click Login.
    Screenshot: Entering the login information and logging in

  3. On the screen to select a service, click "Kintone".
    Screenshot: Kintone" is outlined on the screen to select a service

Logging out from Kintone

  1. Click the Account Menu icon (the down arrow) at the top right of Kintone.

  2. Click Logout.
    Screenshot: The "Logout" is outlined