Using the Desktop View on Mobile Devices

Article Number:040666

Web browsers on mobile devices display Kintone in a mobile-optimized view.
However, some app and space settings and other features are not available with the mobile-optimized view.
For details on the features that are not available, refer to Actions that cannot be performed in the mobile view.
To use a mobile device to perform the same actions as those on a PC, you can switch to the desktop view.

Three ways to use Kintone on mobile devices

You can use Kintone on mobile devices in the following three ways:

  • Use the mobile-optimized view on a web browser.
  • Use the desktop view on a web browser.
  • Use the mobile app.

The differences between how the mobile-optimized view and desktop view of Kintone are displayed on the web browser of a mobile device are as follows.
The mobile-optimized view is displayed by default.
Screenshot: Comparison of the mobile-optimized view and desktop view screens on a web browser

The mobile app always displays the mobile-optimized view.
Screenshot: The Portal screen is displayed on the mobile app

Switching to the desktop view by yourself

All users can switch between views on their mobile devices.

  1. Access Kintone from Web browsers on your mobile devices.

  2. Tap the Open Navigation Menu icon at the upper left of Portal.

  3. On the navigation menu, tap the Settings icon at the upper right of the screen, then tap Desktop View.

    Screenshot: The "Desktop View" button is outlined

For administrators: Switching all users to the desktop view

As an administrator, you can configure the setting so that all users can see the desktop view.

  1. Click the Settings icon (the gear-shaped icon) at the top of Kintone, then click Kintone Administration.
    Screenshot: The steps to open "Kintone Administration" are displayed

  2. On the "Kintone Administration" screen, tap Default View for Mobile Browsers under Other.
    Screenshot: "Default View for Mobile Browsers" is outlined

  3. On the "Default View for Mobile Browsers" screen, select Desktop view.
    To force the desktop view on all users, clear Allow users to switch between mobile-optimized view and desktop view.
    Screenshot: The "Desktop view" option is outlined

Switching back to the mobile-optimized view

You can switch back to the mobile-optimized view from the desktop view by following the steps below.

  1. Access Kintone from a web browser on your mobile device.

  2. Tap the Settings icon (the gear-shaped icon) at the top of Kintone, then select Mobile-optimized view.

    Screenshot: "Mobile-optimized view" is outlined

To make all users switch back to the mobile-optimized view, go to Kintone Administration, select Default View for Mobile Browsers, and then select Mobile-optimized view. These steps can only be performed by a Kintone Administrator.