Generating API Tokens

Article Number:040471

API tokens are used for authenticating Kintone REST API requests sent from external programs.
Specifying an API token in the "X-Cybozu-API-Token" header of your REST API request authenticates the request, and the API is executed. You can also specify multiple API tokens with commas in between.

Example of a REST API request with an API token:
GET /k/v1/record.json?app=7&id=100 HTTP/1.1
Example of using multiple API tokens to look up a customer name:
curl -X POST -H "X-Cybozu-API-Token: cJrAD9Es62qm0Z3eE6uzQQmaDxM3q9jiDay1oysX, 6oDAV8hCY6HTa1AC6EZbNe2dpc1t8QnWZrHOMgMb" "https://subdomain" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{app: 20, record: {"Customer Name": {value: "Kintone Research"}}}'

For details on authentication using API tokens, refer to the "Authentication" section in the following page:
Kintone REST API Overview (Kintone Developer Program)

Steps to generate API tokens

  1. Click the App Settings icon (the gear-shaped icon at the upper right of the "View" screen), select the App Settings tab, and then select API Token under Customization and Integration.
    Screenshot: The App Settings icon

  2. Click Generate. Screenshot: The "Generate" button

  3. For the generated API token, select the check boxes for the actions you want to allow. Screenshot: Check boxes for the actions you can allow

  4. If necessary, add notes for the API token by clicking the Edit icon for the Notes input field.
    You can use this field to write down the purpose of use, the contact person, etc. This helps you manage your API tokens more easily. Screenshot: The "Notes" input field

    • You can enlarge the input field horizontally and/or vertically by dragging its lower right corner with the mouse.
    • You can enter up to 200 characters.
  5. After entering your notes into the input field, click the Save icon to save them. Screenshot: The "Save" button

  6. Click Save on the bottom right side of the screen.
    Your API token setting is saved.

  7. To apply the saved setting to the actual environment, click Update App on the upper right side of the screen.

  8. On the confirmation dialog, click Update App.