Changing Which Space an App Belongs to

Article Number:040492

You can change which space an app belongs to while retaining the app's various data, such as existing records in the app and the app settings. Specifically, you can perform the following actions:

  • Moving an app in a space to a different space
  • Moving an app outside of any spaces
  • Moving an app that does not belong to any space to a space

Usage examples:

  • You can create a space for apps in a test run and a space for apps actually in use and change which space an app belongs to depending on the status of the app.
  • In accordance with the change in the space usage, you can change which space an app belongs to.
  • You can categorize existing apps which do not belong to any space by moving them to spaces for related departments or projects.

The following describes the requirements for users to change which space an app belongs to, notes, and the operation procedure.

Users who can change which space an app belongs to

To change which space an app belongs to, a user must meet the following requirements:

  • A user must have the permission to manage the app to be moved.

  • A user must have the permission to create apps which belong to the Public app group.
    Specifically, a user must have the following permissions:

  • In the case of moving an app which already belongs to a space, a user must be an administrator of the space to which the app belongs at the time.

Spaces that cannot be specified as the destination of the app to be moved

Spaces listed below cannot be specified as the destination to which an app is moved.

  • Guest spaces
  • Private spaces you have not joined
  • Spaces which you are not an administrator of, and which "Only allow space administrators to create apps" is enabled for in Spaces setting.

In addition, if "Allow users to create apps that do not belong to any space" is disabled by a Kintone Administrator in Feature Activation setting, apps cannot be moved outside of the space.


The following are the points to note when you change which space an app belongs to.
Make sure to confirm these points before you start the operation.

  • When you change which space an app belongs to, the processing to update the search results of Search in Space (the processing to change in which space's Search in Space results the moved app appears) is carried out. Keep in mind that it may take time before the change is applied to the search results of Search in Space.
  • When the operation to change which space an app belongs to and another operation that involves updating of search results (e.g. operation to import a file) are carried out at the same time, it may take longer than usual for relevant changes caused by these operations to be reflected on search results. This should be noted when you carry out these operations consecutively.


The following describes the steps to change which space an app belongs to.

  1. Open the "App Settings" screen.
    Opening the "App Settings" Screen

  2. Open the App Settings tab and click Change Space Where App Belongs To.
    If the button is not displayed or not clickable, refer to FAQ/Troubleshooting.

  3. Search and select the space to which you wish to move the app.
    If you wish to move the app outside of the space, click the Move the app outside of the space radio button.

  4. Click Change.

  5. Confirm the notes displayed on the screen. The following are the notes.

    • Clicking Confirm and apply executes the operation without your manual operation to update the app.
    • When you change which space an app belongs to, the processing to update the search results of Search in Space (the processing to change in which space's Search in Space results the moved app appears) is carried out. Keep in mind that it may take time before the change is applied to the search results of Search in Space.
    • When the operation to change which space an app belongs to and another operation that involves updating of search results (e.g. operation to import a file) are carried out at the same time, it may take longer than usual for relevant changes caused by these operations to be reflected on search results. This should be noted when you carry out these operations consecutively.
  6. Click Confirm and apply.
    This changes which space the app belongs to without your manual operation to update the app.

If you have made changes to other settings in addition to changing which space the app belongs to, click Update App (or Activate App) after changing the settings.


Below is FAQ and troubleshooting on the Change Space Where App Belongs To feature.

  • "Change Space Where App Belongs To" is not displayed on the "App Settings" screen.
    The Space feature may be disabled. If the Space feature is disabled by a system administrator, you cannot change which space an app belongs to.

  • "Change Space Where App Belongs To" on the "App Settings" screen is grayed out and not clickable.
    Hovering the cursor over Change Space Where App Belongs To displays a message that explains why the button is not clickable. Refer to the displayed message and the table below to solve the problem.

    Cause Details / Troubleshooting solutions
    The user is not granted the "Create apps" permission. A system administrator must grant the "Create apps" permission to the user.
    The setting can be configured on the "Permission Management" screen of Kintone Administration. For the detailed steps, refer to Configuring Permission to Create Apps.
    The user is not granted the "Create apps" and "Manage/use/delete apps" permissions for the Public app group. A system administrator must grant the "Create apps" and "Manage/use/delete apps" permissions for the Public app group to the user.
    The setting can be configured on the "App Groups" screen of Kintone Administration. For the detailed steps, refer to Configuring Permissions for App Groups.
    (In the case of moving an app which already belongs to a space) The user is not an administrator of the space to which the app belongs at the time. The space administrator of the space to which the app belongs must add the user as an administrator of the space.
    The setting can be configured on the "Manage Members" screen of the space. For the detailed steps, refer to Adding or Deleting Space Members.
    The user is on the "App Settings" screen of an app that belongs to an app group other than the Public app group. An administrator of the app must change the app's app group to the Public app group.
    The setting can be configured through Permissions on the "App Settings" screen. For the detailed steps, refer to Changing Which App Group an App Belongs To.
    The user is on the "App Settings" screen of an app that belongs to a guest space. It is not possible to change which space an app belongs to if the app belongs to a guest space.
  • Is it possible to use audit logs to confirm that an app has been moved?
    If an app is moved to a different location, an audit log is output. "App management" and "App move started" are specified as the audit log's module and action respectively. You can click the i icon to view the details, such as the date and time of the action, the name of the space to which the app belonged, and the name of the space to which the app is moved.
    For information on how to check audit logs, refer to Checking Kintone Audit Logs.

  • After which space an app belongs to is changed, the search results of Search in Space do not show some data I expect to find.
    It may be taking time to apply the change to the Search in Space results. Try your search again after a while and check if the search results appear as expected.