An error message appears and I cannot delete a field
Errors that appear when you try to delete a field are mostly due to the field being referenced by fields in other apps or specified in settings of the same app. In such cases, you will be able to delete the target field after you delete or make changes to fields that reference the target field or settings in which the target field is specified.
This section describes the causes of and solutions for each error.
The error message 'The field has been referred from a Lookup field "***"' appears
Error details
Cannot delete the field. The field has been referred from a Lookup field "***" in an app "***". Change the settings of the "Lookup" field or delete the field itself in the app.
Go to the "***" settings page.
Cause and solution
The field cannot be deleted because it is specified in the field settings of a "Lookup" field in another app.
To delete this field, carry out the following steps:
Click '"***" settings page' in the error message.
Carry out either of the following on the "Lookup" field indicated in the error message.
- Delete the "Lookup" field.
- Change the "Lookup" field settings in such a way that the target field you are to delete is not specified in the settings.
Configuring a "Lookup" Field
Go back to the form settings screen of the app you were initially working on and delete the target field.
The error message 'The field has been referred from a Related Records field "***'" appears
Error details
Cannot delete the field. The field has been referred from a Related Records field "***" in an app "***". Change the settings of the "Related Records" field or delete the field itself in the app.
Go to the "***" settings page.
Cause and solution
The field cannot be deleted because it is specified in the field settings of a "Related records" field in another app.
To delete this field, carry out the following steps:
Click '"***" settings page' in the error message.
Carry out either of the following on the "Related records" field indicated in the error message.
- Delete the "Related records" field.
- Change the "Related records" field settings in such a way that the target field you are to delete is not specified in the settings.
Configuring a "Related Records" Field
Go back to the form settings screen of the app you were initially working on and delete the target field.
The error message 'The field has been referred from the Lookup field "***" in the app "***", which was deleted and can be restored' appears
Error details
Cannot delete the field. The category has been referred from the Lookup field "***" in the app "***", which was deleted and can be restored.
To delete the field, restore the app "*** (App ID: ***)", and then delete or change the Lookup field settings.
* Only "Kintone users & system Administrator" can restore the app. For details, please refer to the help.
Cause and solution
The field you are trying to delete is specified in the field settings of a "Lookup" field in a deleted app. In order to preserve data in the "Lookup" field in case a user wishes to restore the deleted app, Kintone does not allow users to delete this field.
To delete this field, carry out the following steps:
Make a note of the "Lookup" field name indicated in the error message.
Restore the app indicated in the error message.
Restoring Deleted Apps
Navigate to the form settings screen of the app you have restored in Step 2.
Carry out either of the following on the "Lookup" field you took a note of in Step 1.
- Delete the "Lookup" field.
- Change the "Lookup" field settings in such a way that the target field you are to delete is not specified in the settings.
Configuring a "Lookup" Field
Go back to the form settings screen of the app you were initially working on and delete the target field.
The error message 'The field has been referred from the Related Records field "***" in the app "***", which was deleted and can be restored' appears
Error details
Cannot delete the field. The category has been referred from the Related Record field "***" in the app "***", which was deleted and can be restored.
To delete the field, restore the app "*** (App ID: ***)", and then delete or change the Related Records field settings.
* Only "Kintone users & system Administrator" can restore the app. For details, please refer to the help.
Cause and solution
The field you are trying to delete is specified in the field settings of a "Related records" field in a deleted app. In order to preserve data in the "Related records" field in case a user wishes to restore the deleted app, Kintone does not allow users to delete this field.
To delete this field, carry out the following steps:
Make a note of the "Related records" field name indicated in the error message.
Restore the app indicated in the error message.
Restoring Deleted Apps
Navigate to the form settings screen of the app you have restored in Step 2.
Carry out either of the following on the "Related records" field you took a note of in Step 1.
- Delete the "Related records" field.
- Change the "Related records" field settings in such a way that the target field you are to delete is not specified in the settings.
Configuring a "Related Records" Field
Go back to the form settings screen of the app you were initially working on and delete the target field.
The error message "Cannot delete the following fields: ***. They have been used to specify an assignee." appears
Error details
Cannot delete the following fields: ***. They have been used to specify an assignee.
Cause and solution
The field cannot be deleted since it is set for Assignee List in the Process Management setting.
To delete this field, carry out the following steps:
Navigate to the Process Management setting and change it in such a way that the target field you are to delete is not set for Assignee List.
Setting Up a Basic Workflow with Process Management -
Go back to the form settings screen and delete the target field.
The error message 'Cannot delete the field. The field is used in the active periodic report "***"' appears
Error details
Cannot delete the field. The field is used in the active periodic report "***".
Cause and solution
The field cannot be deleted since it is used in a graph whose periodic report is set to active.
What Is Periodic Report?
To delete this field, carry out the following steps:
Reload the form settings screen.
Changes made to the app form are discarded and it returns to the state when it was last saved. -
Click on the Graphs tab and delete the graph indicated in the error message.
Deleting a Chart -
Click on the Form tab and delete the target field.
An error message "The field is used in conditions for access control to records." appears
Error details
Cannot delete the field. The field is used in conditions for access control to records.
Cause and solution
The field cannot be deleted since deleting it will result in duplicate conditions in the Permissions for Records setting.
Example: In the case where the following record conditions are set in the Permissions for Records setting
- "Personal Information" field = "Yes", and "Department" field = "Sales"
- "Personal Information" field = "Yes", and "Department" field = "Human Resources"
If you delete the "Department" field, the field is removed also from the conditions set in the Permission for Records setting.
Since this would result in duplicate conditions being set for the "Personal Information" field, an error will appear.
To delete this field, carry out the following steps:
Reload the form settings screen.
Changes made to the app form are discarded and it returns to the state when it was last saved. -
Click on the App Settings tab, click Records under Permissions, and then modify the Permission for Records setting.
Configuring Permissions for Records
Check the record conditions set in the setting, remove items related to the field to be deleted, and specify the conditions in such a way that there is no duplicate condition. -
Click on the Form tab and delete the target field.