Calculating the Number of Days or Weeks

Article Number:040750

You can use the Calculated field to calculate the number of days and weeks.
You use field codes in formulas.

In Kintone, the values in the date, time, and date and time fields are treated as UNIX time. That means the dates and the times are treated in seconds. Therefore, you need to specify your formula in seconds as well. For example, enter "60" to indicate one minute. Enter "3600" or "60*60" to indicate one hour, and enter "86400" or "60*60*24" to indicate one day.

  • When calculating the number of days from the start date to the end date of the Date field
    Specify as follows in the Calculated field.
    Formula: (End_Date - Start_Date) / (60*60*24)
    Show As: Number
    Number of Decimal Places to Display: 0
    Unit of measure: days (Select Suffix)

  • When calculating the number of weeks from the start date to the end date of the Date field
    Specify as follows in the Calculated field.
    Formula: (End_Date - Start_Date) / (60*60*24*7)
    Show As: Number
    Number of Decimal Places to Display: 0
    Unit of measure: weeks (Select Suffix)