Is it possible to reorder fields displayed in the filter drop-down list?

Article Number:040194

It is not possible to change the display order of fields in the filter drop-down list.

This article provides details on the display order of fields in the filter drop-down list and a workaround you can use when you are having trouble with too many fields in the list.

Display order of fields in the filter drop-down list

The filter drop-down list shows fields in the following order from top to bottom.

  • Record number
  • Updated by
  • Created by
  • Updated datetime
  • Created datetime
  • Status (when Process Management is enabled)
  • Assignee (when Process Management is enabled)
  • Other fields placed on the app form 1
    1: Fields are listed in order of their position on the app form, starting from the ones that are placed at the top. If there are multiple fields on the same row, the leftmost field comes first, followed by the one to the right.

Example: In the case where an app whose Process Management feature is disabled has fields A and C on the first row of the app form and fields B and D on the second row
The filter drop-down list shows fields in the following order from top to bottom: Record number, Updated by, Created by, Updated datetime, Created datetime, A, C, B, and then D
Image: The relationship between the position of the fields on the app form and their order in the field drop-down list

If "Table" and "Related records" fields are placed on the app form, they are shown in the following order regardless of their position on the app form.

  • Table: At the second position from the bottom in the filter drop-down list
    If there are multiple tables on the app form, fields contained in one table are listed together, followed by the fields in the next table.

  • Related records: At the bottom of the filter drop-down list
    If there are multiple "Related records" fields on the app form, fields contained in one "Related records" field are listed together, followed by the fields in the next "Related records" field.

The display order of the fields in the filter drop-down list is determined when the app is updated or activated.
However, if you move from the Form tab to a different tab before updating or activating the app, the display order is determined at the moment you move to a different tab.

If you add fields after activating or updating an app, they will be displayed below the fields that are already applied to the app by updating or activating the app and above the "Table" and "Related records" fields.

Example: In the case where a "Time" field is newly placed on the app form after the app was activated with "Date," "Table," and "Related records" fields placed on the form
The filter drop-down list shows fields in the following order: Record number, Updated by, Created by, Updated datetime, Created datetime, Date, Time, Table, and then Related records

If you are having trouble with too many fields in the filter drop-down list

If you are having trouble with too many fields in the filter drop-down list, try typing the field name directly into the drop-down list. This allows you to search for the field. Try this if you are looking for a specific field. Image of searching for a specific field name