App Settings

Article Number:040812

This article describes the audit logs that are generated when actions related to App Settings are performed.

Module: "App management"

Audit logs with the module "App management" are shown below.

Action: "App update"

This section describes audit logs with the action "App update".

An audit log is generated when:

  • An app's App Settings are changed.
  • An app's Comments setting is changed in Misc Settings under App Settings.
  • An app's Change History setting is changed in Misc Settings under App Settings.
  • An app's Duplicate Record setting is changed in Misc Settings under App Settings.
  • An app's Bulk Deletion setting is changed in Misc Settings under App Settings.
  • An app's App Code setting is changed in Misc Settings under App Settings.


The following actions are logged as "Notice".

  • An app's Comments setting is changed in Misc Settings under App Settings.
  • An app's Change History setting is changed in Misc Settings under App Settings.

The following actions are logged as "Information".

  • An app's App Settings were changed.
  • An app's Duplicate Record setting is changed in Misc Settings under App Settings.
  • An app's Bulk Deletion setting is changed in Misc Settings under App Settings.
  • An app's App Code setting is changed in Misc Settings under App Settings.

Information displayed in the "Complement" section

When an app's App Settings are changed

The following information is displayed:

  • App ID
  • App name
  • Changed settings ("target")
    For details, refer to "target".
When an app's Misc Settings under App Settings are changed

The following information is displayed:

  • App ID
  • App name
  • Changed settings and their enabled/disabled states

The following changed settings are displayed.

  • The Comments setting ("record comment")
  • The Change History setting ("record history")
  • The Duplicate Record setting ("record duplication")
  • The Bulk Deletion setting ("bulk delete")
  • The App Code setting ("app code")

The following states are displayed for changed settings.

  • If the setting was enabled: true
  • If the setting was disabled: false

Examples of generated logs

When an app's App Settings are changed
app id: *, app name: *, target: *
When an app's Comments setting is changed
app id: *, app name: *, record comment: {true/false}
When an app's Change History setting is changed
app id: *, app name: *, record history: {true/false}
When an app's Duplicate Record setting is changed
app id: *, app name: *, record duplication: {true/false}
When an app's Bulk Deletion setting is changed
app id: *, app name: *, bulk delete: {true/false}
When an app's App Code setting is changed
app id: *, app name: *, target: app code

Action: "App create"

This section describes audit logs with the action "App create".

An audit log is generated when:

An app is created.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The following information is displayed:

  • App name or template name
  • App group ID

Example of a generated log

app name: *, app group id: *

Action: "App create from template file"

This section describes audit logs with the action "App create from template".

An audit log is generated when:

An app is created via importing an app template from the Kintone Marketplace.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The following information is displayed:

  • App name
  • Template name
  • App group ID

Example of a generated log

filename: *, template name: *, app group id: *

If there are multiple templates, their names are separated by commas.

Action: "App delete"

This section describes audit logs with the action "App delete".

An audit log is generated when:

One or more apps are deleted.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The following information is displayed:

  • App ID
  • App name

Examples of generated logs

If a single app is deleted
app id: *, app name: *
If multiple apps are deleted in bulk
app id: *, app name: *, (app id: *, app name: *), (...

The information of the app that was the target of deletion appears at the beginning of the audit log, followed by the information of the apps that were deleted together with the target app.

Action: "App restore"

This section describes audit logs with the action "App restore".

An audit log is generated when:

One or more apps are restored.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The following information is displayed:

  • App ID
  • App name

Examples of generated logs

If a single app is restored
app id: *, app name: *
If multiple apps are restored in bulk
app id: *, app name: *, (app id: *, app name: *), (...

The information of the app that was the target of restoration appears at the beginning of the audit log, followed by the information of the apps that were restored together with the target app.

Action: "App report delete"

This section describes audit logs with the action "App report delete".

An audit log is generated when:

A graph is deleted.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The following information is displayed:

  • App ID
  • App name
  • Graph ID
  • Graph name

Example of a generated log

app id: *, app name: *, report id: *, report name: *

Action: "App view delete"

This section describes audit logs with the action "App view delete".

An audit log is generated when:

A view is deleted.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The following information is displayed:

  • App ID
  • App name
  • View ID
  • View name

Example of a generated log

app id: *, app name: *, view id: *, view name: *

Action: "App change discard"

This section describes audit logs with the action "App change discard".

An audit log is generated when:

Changes to App Settings are discarded.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The following information is displayed:

  • App ID
  • App name

Example of a generated log

app id: *, app name: *

Action: "App change deployed"

This section describes audit logs with the action "App change deployed".

An audit log is generated when:

Changes to App Settings are deployed.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The following information is displayed:

  • App ID
  • App name

Example of a generated log

app id: *, app name: *

Action: "Add slack integration"

This section describes audit logs with the action "App slack integration".

An audit log is generated when:

An app is integrated with a Slack workspace.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The following information is displayed:

  • App ID
  • App name
  • The Slack URL to receive the notification

Example of a generated log

app id: *, app name: *, slack workspace: *

Action: "App move started"

This section describes audit logs with the action "App move started".

An audit log is generated when:

An app is moved to a different space or outside of a space.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The following information is displayed:

  • App ID
  • App name
  • Source space ID
  • Source space name
  • Destination space ID
  • Destination space name

Examples of generated logs

If an app that already belongs to a space is moved
app id: *, app name: *, source space id: *, source space name: *, destination space id: *, destination space name: *
If an app that does not already belong to a space is moved to a space
app id: *, app name: *, source space: none, destination space id: *, destination space name: *
If an app is moved outside of a space
app id: *, app name: *, source space id: *, source space name: *, destination space: *

Module: "System administration"

Audit logs with the module "System administration" are shown below.

Action: "Template download"

This section describes audit logs with the action "Template download".

An audit log is generated when:

An app is downloaded as an app template.



Information displayed in the "Complement" section

The following information is displayed:

  • App ID
  • Template name

If the template is successfully downloaded, the following information is also displayed.

  • File name

Example of a generated log

app id: *, template name: *

If the template is successfully downloaded, the following information is also displayed.

filename: *


The properties displayed in the Complement section of the audit log details are as follows.

"app group id"

Indicates app group IDs.

"app id"

Indicates app IDs.

"app name"

Indicates app names.

"bulk delete"

Indicates the value specified for the Bulk deletion setting.
Either of the following is displayed.

  • If the setting was enabled: true
  • If the setting was disabled: false

"destination space id"

Indicates destination space IDs.

"destination space name"

Indicates destination space names.


Indicates file names.

"record comment"

Indicates the value specified for the Comments setting.
Either of the following is displayed.

  • If the setting was enabled: true
  • If the setting was disabled: false

"record duplication"

Indicates the value specified for the Duplicate Record setting.

  • If the setting was enabled: true
  • If the setting was disabled: false

"record history"

Indicates the value specified for the Change History setting.
Either of the following is displayed.

  • If the setting was enabled: true
  • If the setting was disabled: false

"report id"

Indicates graph IDs.

"report name"

Indicates graph names.

"slack workspace"

Indicates Slack URLs to receive notifications.

"source space id"

Indicates source space IDs.

"source space name"

Indicates source space names.


Indicates the changed settings in App Settings.

  • "form": The Form settings were changed.
  • "view": A view was added, edited, or duplicated.
  • "report": A graph was added, edited, or duplicated.
  • "general": The app name or the Appearance settings were changed.
  • "icon": The app icon was changed.
    This value is logged when the app icon is changed on the "App Settings" screen.
    If the app icon is changed on the Appearance settings screen under General Settings, "general" will be logged as the value.
  • "theme": The Color Theme settings were changed.
  • "status": The Process Management settings were changed.
  • "notification": The General Notifications, Per Record Notifications, or Reminder Notifications settings were changed.
  • "plugin": The Plug-ins settings were changed.
  • "customize": The JavaScript and CSS Customization settings were changed.
  • "api token": The API Token settings were changed.
  • "webhook": The Webhooks settings were changed.
  • "app acl": The Permissions for App settings were changed.
  • "record acl": The Permissions for Records settings were changed.
  • "field acl": The Permissions for Fields settings were changed.
  • "category": The Categories settings were changed.
  • "resource": The Localization settings were changed.
  • "title" The Title Field settings were changed.
  • "info": The Misc Settings were changed.
  • "action": The Actions settings were changed.

"template name"

Indicates template names.

"view id"

Indicates view IDs.

"view name"

Indicates view names.