Sending Messages to Other Users
You can exchange private messages with other users on a one-to-one basis. The messages are only visible to the sender and recipient.
This is beneficial when you want to contact a specific user privately. For example, you can use private messages to ask your supervisor or senior colleague for advice, or to have a casual talk with your co-worker.
Searching for users by username and then sending them a message
For the steps to search for a user by username and then send them a message, see below.
Search for a user in the search box at the top right of the screen, then click the Send private message icon to the right of their username.
On the Messages screen, click the message input field, enter your message, and click Send.
Sending a message from a People page
For the steps to send someone a message from their People page, see below.
At the top of the Kintone screen, click the Quick access menu icon, and click People.
From the list of People, select the user to whom you want to send a message.
On the right side of the People page, click the Send private message icon.
On the "Messages" screen, click the message input field, enter your message, and click Send.