Items of User Information

Article Number:020245
Intended audience: Kintone Users & System Administrators

This page describes how to use the user information items and how to set them.

Profile Picture

Select an image file with a size of 800 KB or less.
File Format of Profile Pictures


You can use characters expressed in UTF-8 (Unicode).

Display Name

Enter the name of the user that will appear in You can enter up to 128 characters. These items are mandatory and cannot be omitted.

Surname, Given Name

Enter the surname and given name of the user. You can enter up to 64 characters for these items.

Phonetic Name

Enter the phonetic surname and given name of the user. You can enter up to 64 characters for these items.

Login Name

An identifier used to log in to Kintone. You can enter up to 128 characters. These items are mandatory and cannot be omitted.
Characters That Can Be Used for Login Name and Password

E-mail Address

This is used to reset passwords and to send email notifications from the services. You can enter up to 256 characters.

If you register identical email addresses for multiple users, such users cannot reset their passwords.


You can limit the access to Kintone from users without deleting their user accounts.
Deactivating Users

Available Services

Select the services that you want to allow the user to use.
Changing Available Services (by Users)


Specify a department to which the user belongs and assign a job title to the user.

Priority Department

If a user belongs to multiple departments, you can set "Primary Department" for them.
Changing Users' Primary Department

Two-Factor Authentication

The setting status is displayed when the user is allowed to use the two-factor authentication.

If an administrator needs to prohibit the user to use the two-factor authentication, click Disable.
Disabling Two-Factor Authentication


You can enter up to 100 characters.


You can enter up to 256 characters.


Enter an extension number or mobile phone number. You can enter up to 100 characters for these items.

Skype Name

You can enter up to 256 characters.
This item is displayed on the following screens.

  • Administration
  • Account Settings


You can set the language for the buttons and texts displayed in and for the emails sent from

Time Zone

Select the time zone used by the user.
List of Time Zones

Localized Name

Enter a name to be displayed in the specified language. You can enter up to 128 characters.
Setting 'Localized Name'

Employee ID

Enter the ID of the employee. You can enter up to 100 characters.

Hire Date

Enter the hire date.


Enter the birthday.

Display Order

It is a numeric value to decide the display order of users displayed in the screens such as user selection screen. An integer from "0" to "99999999" can be specified.
Changing the Display Order of Users

About Me

You can enter up to 1,000 characters.