Changing the Department Members

Article Number:020166

Describes how to change the department members.

The Maximum Number of Department Members

The maximum number of department members is 10,000.

Adding Members

  1. Click the gear-shaped menu button in the header.

  2. Click Users & System Administration.

  3. Click Departments & Users.

  4. Click the gear-shaped icon on the department to which you want to add members.
    Screenshot: The gear-shaped icon is highlighted

  5. Click Change Members.

  6. Enter a display name or a login name of the user in the search box to search the target user.
    Moreover, you can expand the department tree and find the target user.

  7. Select a user.
    You can select multiple items.
    Screenshot: Selecting target users

  8. Click Add.
    The selected users are displayed in "Members in 'the selected department'".

  9. Click Save.

Deleting Members

  1. Click the gear-shaped menu button in the header.

  2. Click Users & System Administration.

  3. Click Departments & Users.

  4. Click the gear-shaped icon on the department from which you want to delete members.
    Screenshot: The gear-shaped icon is highlighted

  5. Click Change Members.

  6. Select a user.
    You can select multiple items.
    Screenshot: Target users are selected

  7. Click Remove.
    The selected users are removed from the "Members in 'the selected department'".

  8. Click Save.