Changing Login Page Settings

Article Number:020110
Intended audience: Kintone Users & System Administrators

This page describes how to change the title and the background image of the login page.


  1. Click the gear-shaped menu button in the header.

  2. Click Users & System Administration.

  3. Click Login Page. Screenshot: "Login Page" is highlighted

  4. Enter a title.
    Leave the field blank if you do not want to display the title on the login page.

  5. In the "Image file" section, click Browse and then select the target image file.

  6. Click Save.


No title is configured by default. Configure it as needed.

Background Image

The following file formats are supported: The maximum file size is 5 MB.

  • GIF
  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • BMP

The configured background image is enlarged or shrunk according to the users' monitor size.
If the width of the image file exceeds 2,048 px, the image is shrunk with keeping the aspect ratio.

Reverting to the Default State

  1. Click the gear-shaped menu button in the header.

  2. Click Users & System Administration.

  3. Click Login Page. Screenshot: "Login Page" is highlighted

  4. To revert the background image to the default, click "x" on the right side of the "Image file" section.
    Screenshot: The button to delete an image is highlighted

  5. To revert the title to the default, make the "Title" section blank.

  6. Click Save.