Features Available with Update Options

Article Number:04051

On the Update options screen, you can enable or disable new and updated features.
This article describes the features that can be enabled or disabled as of the release of the March 2025 update.

Features selectable under "Disable New Features"

Ability to Specify Users Who Can View and Update Apps in Maintenance Mode

This feature lets you designate users in charge of maintenance, which allows them to use an app even when it is in maintenance mode.
This feature can be used when App Maintenance Mode to Temporarily Restrict App Use is enabled on the Update options screen.

Selecting the checkbox for this feature under Disable New Features will disable it. This feature can be disabled until the May 2025 update is released. From that time onward, this feature will always be enabled.

New Search Screen

On the new search screen, you can filter search results by type to show only records, spaces/threads, attached files, and more. Also, when you search for the name of an app or thread, you will be able to see the app description or space that the thread belongs to.
Screenshot: An example of a search on the new search screen

Selecting the checkbox for this feature under Disable New Features will disable it. This feature can be disabled until the May 2025 update is released. From that time onward, this feature will always be enabled.

Add and Delete Buttons for Table Rows Remain Visible Regardless of Table Width

This feature makes it so the Add row and Delete this row buttons remain displayed on a table, regardless of how much its width is expanded.

Selecting the checkbox for this feature under Disable New Features will disable it. This feature can be disabled until the May 2025 update is released. From that time onward, this feature will always be enabled.

Ability for Kintone Administrators to Control App Management Permissions

This feature lets you specify app administrators (i.e., users who can change an app's settings) on the Permission management screen in Kintone administration.
Users who have not been granted the "Manage apps" permission by a Kintone administrator will not be able to change app settings, regardless of the settings for individual apps.

Selecting the checkbox for this feature under Disable New Features will disable it. This feature can be disabled until the August 2025 update is released. From that time onward, this feature will always be enabled.

Ability to Specify Plug-In IDs and Get Plug-In Descriptions with "Get Installed Plug-Ins" REST API

This feature makes it so you can specify the IDs of the plug-ins to retrieve when the "Get Installed Plug-Ins" REST API is executed. It also lets you use the "Get Installed Plug-Ins" REST API to get plug-in descriptions.

Selecting the checkbox for this feature under Disable New Features will disable it. This feature can be disabled until the May 2025 update is released. From that time onward, this feature will always be enabled.

Also Display Error Message at Top of Screen If Error Occurs When Saving Record Permission Settings

If an error occurs and you cannot save the settings on the Permissions for records screen in an app's settings, the error will be displayed not only on the item where the error occurred, but also at the top of the screen.

Selecting the checkbox for this feature under Disable New Features will disable it. This feature can be disabled until the August 2025 update is released. From that time onward, this feature will always be enabled.

Features selectable under "Disable New Features (Features available only in Current Channel)"

Features selectable under Disable New Features (Features available only in Current Channel) are displayed only when Current Channel is selected in the Select Update Channel section.
Note that the features you can enable or disable may change at any time. For the latest information on which features can be enabled or disabled, please check the Update options screen.

Features selectable under "Preview Upcoming New Features"

As of the release date of the March 2025 update, there are no new features or enhancements that can be previewed.

Features selectable under "New Features in Development"

System Monitoring

This feature adds the System monitoring section to the Kintone administration screen.
On the System monitoring screen, you can check the status of search indexing jobs.

Selecting the checkbox for this feature under New Features in Development will enable it.

Show Date and Time Values in "DD MM YYYY" Format When Browser's Language Setting Is Set to English (Australia)

This feature displays Kintone date and time values in "DD MM YYYY" format. Date and time values can also be entered in "DD MM YYYY" format.

Selecting the checkbox for this feature under New Features in Development will enable it.
As of the January 2024 update, this feature is only applied if the following conditions are met.

  • Use Web browser settings is selected under Language in Account settings.
  • English (Australia) is selected as the language in your web browser's settings.

Improved Kintone Administration Design ("Header Color" Screen Design and Layout Change)

This feature updates the UI and layout design of Kintone Administration.
Selecting the checkbox for this feature under New Features in Development will enable it.
This feature is only applied to the Header color screen. There are plans to apply it to additional screens in future updates.

Actions for Non-Assignees Configurable in Process Management Settings

Now you can set actions that are usable by non-assignees, even for statuses that have assignees set.
This makes it possible to set up processes in which users other than the specified assignees can change the statuses of records.

Selecting the checkbox for this feature under New Features in Development will enable it.


API Lab lets you try out APIs that are currently in development.
These APIs may be discontinued mid-development or changed dramatically. For this reason, we recommend using them only for testing purposes, and not with your actual Kintone environment.

JavaScript API for Getting Logged-In User Permissions for Currently Opened Record

This allows you to use a JavaScript API that can get logged-in user permissions for records that are currently open.
Selecting the checkbox for this feature under New Features in Development will enable it.

JavaScript API for Getting Logged-In User's App Permissions

This allows you to use a JavaScript API for getting logged-in user permissions for apps. As of January 2024, it is possible to get permission only for adding records.
Selecting the checkbox for this feature under New Features in Development will enable it.

JavaScript API for Showing/Hiding Sidebar of Currently Opened Record

This allows you to use a JavaScript API for showing or hiding the Comments/History sidebar of an open record.
Selecting the checkbox for this feature under New Features in Development will enable it.

JavaScript API for Showing/Hiding Add Record Button in Custom View

This allows you to use a JavaScript API for showing or hiding the Add record button in a custom view.
Selecting the checkbox for this feature under New Features in Development will enable it.

JavaScript API for Showing/Hiding Edit Record Button

This allows you to use a JavaScript API for showing or hiding the Edit Record button on the Record details screen.
Selecting the checkbox for this feature under New Features in Development will enable it.

JavaScript API for Getting Space Information

This allows you to use a JavaScript API for getting space information.
Selecting the checkbox for this feature under New Features in Development will enable it.

JavaScript API for Getting General Information of an App

This allows you to use a JavaScript API for getting an app's general information.
Selecting the checkbox for this feature under New Features in Development will enable it.

REST API for Creating a Space without Specifying a Space Template

This allows you to use a REST API for creating a space without specifying a space template.
Selecting the checkbox for this feature under New Features in Development will enable it.

REST API for Getting/Updating Categories Settings

This allows you to use a REST API for getting or updating the Categories settings of an app.
Selecting the checkbox for this feature under New Features in Development will enable it.

REST API for Getting/Updating App's Plug-In Settings

This allows you to use a REST API for getting or updating the settings of an app's plug-ins.
Selecting the checkbox for this feature under New Features in Development will enable it.

Try New Plug-In Development Method

This feature lets you try out a new method for plug-in development.
Selecting the checkbox for this feature under New Features in Development will enable it. Note, however, that this feature is still in development, so issues may occur when using it. Make sure to only use this feature in a test environment, and do not enable it in your actual work environment.