Duplicate Records

Article Number:040731

You can duplicate existing records by copying them to create new records.
It is useful when you want to reuse records by making some modifications to them and use the rest as is.

You can disable the Duplicate Record feature for apps that are not suitable for reusing records.
If you disable the Duplicate Record feature, the Duplicate Record icon is hidden.
Disabling the Duplicate Record Feature

Fields and data that are not copied

When you create a new record by duplicating an existing record, the following fields and data are not copied:

  • หมายเลขเร็คคอร์ด
  • สร้างแล้ว โดย
  • อัปเดตแล้ว โดย
  • วันและเวลาที่สร้าง
  • วันและเวลาที่อัปเดต
  • ไฟล์แนบ
  • Process Management information (Status and Assignee)
  • ความคิดเห็น
  • ประวัติ

In addition to the fields listed above, data will not be copied for fields for which the user duplicating the record has not been granted the "Edit" permission in the Permissions for Fields settings. Any such fields will be left blank.
Configuring Permissions for Fields


  1. Click an app to display the "View" screen (the top page of the app).

  2. Click the Show Record Details icon at the far left of the record you want to duplicate.
    Screenshot: The "Show Record Details" icon is outlined

  3. Click the Duplicate Record icon.
    This opens the "New Record" screen with the duplicated record's data entered. Screenshot: The "Duplicate Record" icon is outlined

  4. Edit the record as needed.
    Screenshot: Editing record information on the "Record Details" screen

  5. คลิก บันทึก เพื่อบันทึกเรกคอร์ด

The record is added as a new record.

If you cannot save records due to an error

There may be a problem in the permission settings or app settings.
To resolve the issue, refer to the following pages.
When I try to save a record, a message "Cannot save the record because of error(s) in the following input data." appears
The error "(Cannot display the item name)" appears and a record cannot be saved (For app administrators)

Disabling the Duplicate Record feature

The Duplicate Record feature is enabled by default.
For apps that are not suitable for reusing records, you can disable the Duplicate Record feature and hide the button to duplicate records.

  1. คลิกไอคอน การตั้งค่าแอปพลิเคชัน (ไอคอนรูปฟันเฟือง) ที่ด้านขวาบนของหน้าจอ "ดู"
    ภาพหน้าจอ: ไอคอน "การตั้งค่าแอปพลิเคชัน" ถูกเน้น

  2. On the "App Settings" screen, select the App Settings tab, then click Misc Settings under Advanced Settings.

  3. On the "Misc Settings" screen, deselect the Enable the feature to "duplicate record" checkbox.
    Screenshot: The checkbox for the Duplicate feature

  4. คลิก บันทึก ที่ด้านขวาล่างของหน้าจอ

  5. On the "App Settings" screen, click Update App.

  6. ในกล่องโต้ตอบ "ลบแอปพลิเคชัน" คลิก ลบแอปพลิเคชัน