Tips: Useful Combinations of Process Management and Other Settings

Article Number:040572

Combining the Process Management feature with other features enhances the Kintone's functionality.

This section shows the settings of views, notifications, and permissions, which are useful for the following workflow. Illustration: Example of a recommended process management workflow

Setting a view

If you want to check whether your requests have been approved, create a view to display your requests.
Filter the view by using a condition of whether the "Created by" is a logged-in user. Screenshot: In the "Filter" dialog on the "View" screen, "Created by" and "Logged-in user" are highlighted For details on specifying conditions to filter views, see the Configuring views.

You can configure your app to first display the view of your requests.
By sorting views to move the view of your requests at the top, that view is displayed first.
Reordering views in the drop-down list Screenshot: "My Application List" is highlighted in the "Name" section of the "Views" tab

Setting notifications

If the Process Management feature is enabled, you will receive a notification when you become an assignee.
You will not receive a notification when your request is approved. If you want to receive such a notification, you need to set up notifications in the Per record notifications settings. Screenshot: On the "Per record notifications" screen, the "Notification trigger" section, "Summary" section, and "Created by" in the "Recipient" section are highlighted For details on per record notifications, refer to Per record notifications: Setting up notifications sent when a record meets a certain condition.

How to notify assignees of tasks

When a request or a task assigned to you is registered, a notification is sent to Kintone.
You can also receive the notification by e-mail. For details, refer to Setting email notifications.

The number of "Assigned to me" records is displayed for each apps in the Kintone Portal (top page).
Since you can always check the tasks assigned to you, you can avoid over looking your tasks.
Screenshot: Apps in the "Assigned to me" section of Portal are highlighted

When you click an app under Assigned to me, the records assigned to you are displayed.
Screenshot: An app in the "Assigned to me" section of portal is highlighted, and an arrow points from it to the opened app screen

Setting permissions

You can set permissions according to the statuses of records.
You can disable changing or deleting "Approved" records. You can also hide "Requesting" records to users other than requestors and approvers.
Configuring permissions for records

Preventing users from being able to change or delete "Approved" records

When setting the Permissions for records, specify only the "View" permission to "Everyone" if the status is "Approved". Screenshot: The "Target records" section and "Everyone" in the "User, group and department to grant permissions to" section are highlighted on the "Permissions for records" screen

Hiding "Requesting" records from all users other than requestors and approvers

When setting the permissions for records, allow all actions for requestors and approvers, and prohibit all actions for "Everyone".
Screenshot: The "Target records" section and "Created by", "Approver", and "Everyone" in the "User, group and department to grant permissions to" section are highlighted on the "Permissions for records" screen